a. During 2006, Avalon Company recorded baddebt expense of $10,000 and wrote off an uncollectible accountreceivable amounting to $15,000. Assuming a January 1, 2006,balance in the allowance for doubtful accounts of $18,000, theDecember 31, 2006, balance in the allowance account would be?
b. Oakwood Company had accounts receivable of $750,000 and anallowance for doubtful accounts of the $21,500 just prior towriting off as worthless an account receivable for Hyland Companyof $5,000. The net realizable value of accounts receivable asshown by the accounting record before and after the write-off wasas follows:?
c. In 2004, Genentech reported product sales of $10,550million and accounts receivable-trade of $1,461.0 million. In2003, product sales were $8,356 million and accountsreceivable-trade was $1,007.9 million. Their receivablesturnover ratio for 2004 is ?
d. In 2004, Genentech reported product salesrevenue of $10,550 million and accounts receivable of $1,461million; in 2003, they reported accounts receivable of $1007.9million. What was the cash flow generated by sales?