
What was strategy for deciding which event best demonstrated

Homework: History Project


A. Timeline

1. Recall your work on Milestone 4. Create a timeline to show each of the events you researched in chronological order. Your timeline should present detailed evidence showing how each key theme you chose is relevant to your country's history. Each entry on your timeline should:

a. Clearly identify which topic/theme is covered in the entry, and what historical event or era you are connecting that theme too.
b. Show an understanding of the topic/theme selected.
c. Show knowledge of basic facts (who-what-when-where) about the event selected.
d. Give an evidence-based argument that justifies your claim that the historical event and the broader topic/theme are connected.
e. Include at least one image (multiple images, video links, other creative visuals are welcome).

2. Tip: The more effort you put into using tools and technology to create a dynamic, detailed, visually stimulating timeline, the better!

B. Narrated Presentation

1. Create a five-minute presentation of your timeline. Your instructor will assess the appearance and accuracy of your timeline, as well as your oral communication (language, posture, gesture, eye contact, and tone).

2. Be sure to:

a. Speak for a minimum of five minutes (seven minutes maximum).
b. Present a polished and edited timeline - it should be error-free and visually appealing.
c. Speak slowly and clearly, demonstrating a mastery of the content you are presenting.

3. You may use whatever software you would like to record your narrated presentation, but your presentation must be uploaded to Panopto to be shared with your instructor. If you have difficulty with Panopto, contact the instructor for other options including the below.

4. Note: If you use Powerpoint: A) there should be a minimum of 12-15 slides of some documented factual materials beyond the title page and bibliography. B) All texts must be written by you. If from other sources, you MUST rewrite the text in your own words.

Written Reflection

In a 2-3 paragraph essay, answer the following reflection questions:

a. Describe your strategy to find solutions to the big problems this homework presented you with. How did you go about choosing which topics/themes were evident in your country's history? What was your strategy for deciding which events best demonstrated which big themes?

b. Talk about which sources you used, and how you decided which evidence most strongly supported the points you wanted to make.

c. Of the four topics/themes you selected, which do you believe is the most historically significant and why? (You might consider which theme is still impacting our world today, or which theme brought about the biggest changes)

Format your homework according to the give formatting requirements:

a. The answer must be double spaced, typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

b. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the course title, the student's name, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

c. Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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History: What was strategy for deciding which event best demonstrated
Reference No:- TGS03098572

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