
What was restwell manors frequency rate last year


Workers in nursing homes regularly experience a number of physical and psychological health and safety issues. Incidents can involve twisting and/or lifting injuries, contact with viruses and bacteria, as well as stress- related illnesses from dealing with very sick and dying patients. At Restwell Manor there are 80 employees who work an average of 6 hours per day for 250 days a year. In the past year, the employer reported a total of 8 injuries for a total lost time of 50 days. Referring to the scenario above answer the following questions using the necessary formulas:

i. What is the common denominator in the equations that you would use to calculate the injury frequency and severity rates for Restwell Manor?

ii. What was Restwell Manor's frequency rate last year?

iii. What was Restwell Manor's severity rate last year? HTML Editorman.

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Operation Management: What was restwell manors frequency rate last year
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