What was redbeards mean whisker length

Q1. Through years of careful observation, you have begun to suspect that how vocal cats are is somehow related to the average length of their whiskers. In order to determine whether or not this is true, you sample several cats that you know, measure the mean length of their whiskers, and also record how many times each cat meows during one day. Your results are presented in the table below:

Cat                Mean Whisker Length (cm)      Daily Meows
Buttons                     10.2                                   27
Wally                          9.8                                    42
Heisenberg               11.6                                    15
Major Major               10.4                                    7
Russia                         9.1                                   18
Fygyt                         10.0                                   25

a) After you've recorded the data for the cats, you realize that if you now include data from one more cat, Redbeard, the mean whisker length of the cats becomes 10.514 cm. What was Redbeard's mean whisker length? Please calculate your answers to 3 decimal places.

b) What is the standard deviation in whisker length for all of the cats, including Redbeard? What does this value tell you?

c) If you know that Redbeard produced 15 meows in one day, do your data (including Redbeard's data) support your idea that mean whisker length is related to vocalizations? If so, how are they related?

d) Describe the shape of the distribution of mean whisker length for your sample in terms of skewness and kurtosis. Please draw a picture (or pictures) based on your calculations, indicating what the distribution looks like.

Q2) Dr. Oberg and Dr. Zelinski are two of the world's leading researchers in the highly competitive field of feline intelligence. After many years, and several billions of dollars worth of research, each scientist has independently developed accurate tests of feline IQ. Robin and Fred are each convinced that their respective cats are the most intelligent. Robin has given her cat, Wally, Dr. Oberg's patented Felis Intelligentsia IQ test, which has a mean of 103 and a standard deviation of 4.1, and Wally has scored an impressive 112. Fred, on the other hand, has opted to administer to his cat, Heisenberg, Dr. Zelinski's Is Your Cat Smarter Than This Rock? (IYCSTTR) IQ test. Heisenberg has attained a score of 87 on the illustrious IYCSTTR, which has a mean of 70 and a standard deviation of 5.6. Whose cat is smarter, and why?

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Basic Statistics: What was redbeards mean whisker length
Reference No:- TGS0683270

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