
What was post-impressionism how was it similar to andor


Read the following articles in order to get a solid overview of the Post-Impressionist Movement:

For this article be sure to click on the links to individual artists in order to read their stories (you don't have to read every single one in detail, just enough to get an idea where they were coming from, what their work looked like, and how they contributed to the Post-Impressionist movement.

Sorry this one is a little cluttered with ads, so make sure you read all the way to the bottom!

You'll need to click on the menu button in the upper-left corner, select "Meet Vincent" from the drop-down menu, then click "Vincent's Life and Work." There are twelve selections to click on this page, you'll need to visit the following:

"Vincent's Life" Read through all nine sections by clicking on each one in turn

"Stories about Vincent" These are tricky to navigate, but you'll soon get the hang of advancing through the stories by using the down arrow all the way on the left side of your screen.

"Collection Highlights" Take your time with this one! There are nine, super high-res images, if you click on them and give them a chance to load for a minute, you'll suddenly the brushstrokes pop out as if in 3-D. Try zooming in and out, it almost feels like you can touch the paintings!

"Landscapes," "Portraits," and "Flowers and Blossoms" You don't have to click on all of these, just find some that interest you and explore! and "Virtual Sunflower Gallery" -Enjoy!

Now that you're fairly immersed in Vincent Van Gogh, arguably the most well-known and most beloved Post-Impressionist painter in history, you're ready to write your essay.

While you'll need five full paragraphs (don't worry, this is one of your few one-part assignments, so you'll have the whole week to complete this), you may keep it casual in tone, almost conversational if you wish. Think of it like sitting down and telling me what you know about Post-Impressionism and Van Gogh in detail. An effective way to go would be to follow the following prompt, which is actually a series of questions(at least 5 sentences for each paragraph):

Paragraph 1: What was Post-Impressionism? How was it similar to and/or different from Impressionism? Who were some of the most well-known artists from this period, and what was their work like? Were they successful? What's the most interesting thing about it? Do you like it? Why or why not?

Paragraph 2: Who was Vincent van Gogh? What was his early life like, before he became a painter? Why did he suddenly decide to be an artist, and how did he start his training/work/journey? Who encouraged him? Who were his detractors? (find some quotes from Vincent van Gogh to give his story some color).

Paragraph 3: What were Vincents friendships and love affairs like? How did they influence his artwork? What was it like when he lived with Gaugin? How did that come about, and how did their friendship end? how did their work affect each other's? What was Vincent's relationship like with his brother, Theo? There's a lot to say about those two particular relationships (Theo and Gaugin) in his life!

Paragraph 4: What are your three favorite works by Van Gogh? Describe them in detail. embed pictures of them into your essay! Describe them and talk about how they make you feel, what they remind you of, what Vincent might have been thinking when he painted them, etc.

Paragraph 5: How did Van Gogh die? What was it like after his death, particularly for his brother Theo? What happened to his large body of work after he died? What do his paintings sell for now, in US Dollars? Can you find out how much the most expensive Van Gogh ever sold so far actually went for? In the spirit of Dr. Who, if you could talk to Vincent now, what would you tell him? What would you ask him?

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History: What was post-impressionism how was it similar to andor
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