Greek Influences
When early Greek philosophers developed theories in the premodern period, they challenged many dominant assumptions of this period. Socrates and Plato were two of the most influential early philosophers who addressed the issue of the good life. For these two philosophers, the good life was an ethical life. Socrates and Plato had a profound influence on religion, philosophy, and Western thought as a whole.
1) What Implications does the statement "Know thyself" have, along with other ideas of Socrates and Plato, for the process of human change?
2) How is this related to achieving the good life?
3) How will this impact the evaluation of a person's degree of living the good life?
4) What was Plato's understanding of human nature?
5) How did dualism influence this understanding?
Support this conclusions with references. (Remember I need notes not an essay).
Write your answer/response in detail with examples and facts and figures using APA style of formatting, size 12, font Times new roman and answer must be single spaced