Revisit one of your earlier Formal Analysis assignments, or write a new one, with historical context.
IF you rewrite a formal analysis, improve your earlier observations and descriptions and add contextual information. Make your formal analysis also an art historical analysis. DO NOT simply add the edits I have made; this will not count as a rewrite. You need to work to improve the overall quality of the original analysis. This may include adding further observations, fixing grammar problems, etc.
For a new analysis: work from your previous experience in the formal analyses to write an analysis of the new work, then add in historical context for the piece.
Add the following elements to your analysis:
1. Tell us what culture and/or style it came from. Is this piece typical of works of art from that culture and time? Why or why not?
2. Tell us any more information we should know about the content of the piece. What was it originally supposed to mean? Is there a story behind why it was created? Did it spark controversy or change?
Your final writing assignment should be 700-900 words long.
It will be graded on your level of improvement over your original analysis as well as the overall quality of the final product. Spelling and grammar will be part of the assessment. I encourage you to use the Writing Center to help with polishing your analysis.