
What was levittown and why was it important


A. Who was Ed Sullivan and how was his show regarded by many in the United States?

B. What kind of image did his show project?

C. What was the so-called "American Way"?

D. What was Levittown and why was it important?

E. Describe the economy of the 1950s and explain what consumer spending was.

F. What great movement of people occurred in the 1950s?

G. Levittown and McDonalds had what in common?

H. Regarding values, there was an emphasis on the "two "Cs." What two words are those?

I. What happened to church membership and how was it related to "the American way?"

J. How were women depicted on TV?

K. Give four concrete examples of change and challenge to societal consensus in the 1950s.

L. Youth culture found powerful expression in what?

M. What was the new musical genre known as? What elements composed it?

N. Who was Allen Freed? "Rock and Roll" was an urban euphemism for what?

O. Prior to his appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show, what kind of character and personality did Elvis have?

P. Describe Elvis's socio-economic background.

Q. How did Elvis represent what Sam Phillips of Sun Records had been looking for?

R. Elvis began to emerge as a star around the same time that the Supreme Court, in the Brown case, made what momentous decision in 1954?

S. Describe Elvis's contact or lack thereof with black Americans as he grew up in Memphis.

T. What was Beale Street and why was it important to Elvis's story?

U. How did the new music undermine racial segregation?

V. Describe unique aspects of Elvis when he performed.

W. Explain how he was a "cultural rebel." What did he challenge and how?

X. What did Elvis's appearance of the Ed Sullivan Show symbolize?

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History: What was levittown and why was it important
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