
What was learning like for you in school

Assignment task:

Please describe the issues and factors that influenced your schooling. Your written piece should include responses to the focus questions below.  Feel free to respond beyond the prompts. This is about reflecting on YOUR schooling experience and the possible social forces that impacted your experience.

Focus questions:

1. What was learning like for you in school? (e.g. think carefully about elementary, middle school, and high school. Was your school a public or private school? Hard/easy? Any specific subjects you gravitated toward or moved away from?)

2. Were most students in your classes of the same ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality, linguistic, religious, or socio-economic background as you? Please be specific in your own identification(s) and those of others.

3. How do you think being a member of dominant and/or non-dominant groups impacted your schooling experience? Was there a time when your racial, cultural, gender, religious, social class or linguistic membership was validated or challenged at school?

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Reference No:- TGS03328879

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