
What was learned - how it affected your perception and what

This paper is reflective and thereby requires you to reflect and examine your personal biases in order to describe how they have influenced your thoughts, behaviors, actions, etc. This paper is to be 3-5 pages in length, 1.5 spacing, and in Times New Roman 12 point font. Due by march 3rd at 11:30pm

Be sure to address the following personal reflections of experience:

1. Meaning or significance.

2. What was learned?

3. How it affected your perception.

4. What changes in behavior will be made.

Instructions for Reflective Paper:

The paper should begin with you discussing how you were raised or educated as it pertains to what you were taught about other group (race, color, age, disability religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, etc.). It should include influences, internal and external factors, relationships that have helped to shape the opinion that you have regarding people who are different from you.
It should include past and current biases, prejudices, beliefs, etc. against people who are different than you. You should discuss at least three different groups in this regard.
You will then have an interaction with one person from within one of the groups you discussed in item #2.
You will then discuss in your paper whether that interaction has impacted your current or present ideas about the entire group. While one would think that a brief and isolated interaction would have no impact, it should be noted that throughout history one person, one sermon, one speech, one notion, one interaction has had the potential to make people stop and consider their ideas. This can be a person different from you in regard to any characteristics as listed in item #1.
The last part of the paper will include what you plan to do going forward living and working in the world in which we reside with the current outlook or viewpoint that you have.

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Other Subject: What was learned - how it affected your perception and what
Reference No:- TGS02226861

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