
What was known or unknown before the study was conducted

Assignment: Energy Metabolism and Nutrition and Cancer

Topic 1: Why do you eat what you do? Keep track of what triggers you eating for a few days. Is it primarily hunger or appetite? How do your physical activity and daily habits affect what you eat? Does the world around influence what you select to eat?

Your initial post must be at least 250 words you need to state your thesis and support it with evidence and at least one outside, reputable reference. Your textbook is not an outside reference. Remember, there is no right or wrong.

Identifying Epidemiological Studies in the Literature

Choose an article from one of the following journals:

American Journal of Epidemiology:
The Journal of Infectious Diseases:
Journal of Public Health:
Clinical Infectious Diseases:

You must read the full article (not just the abstract).

Choose an article that is peer-reviewed and a primary article. Identify the study type as descriptive (cross-sectional, ecological, case series); analytical (prospective cohort or retrospective cohort) or experimental: (prevention or treatment clinical trial). Define the study type as one of the specific types given in the parentheses. It must be one of these study types. NOTE: To receive credit for your post, the article must be a primary study that uses one of the given study designs. Failure to choose an appropriate article will results in a zero for the assignment. Also, you must do more than read the abstract, you must read the entire article.

1. State the type of study that was conducted (see methods section of article, it must be one of the above study types).
2. What is the research question?
3. What was known or unknown before the study was conducted (see introduction of article)?
4. What was the purpose of the study (should be at end of introduction)?
5. What was the outcome and was it consistent with the researcher(s)' original research question (see results and conclusions)?
6. What recommendation(s) did the researcher offer for future studies (see conclusions)?
7. Do you feel the findings and research design are real and valid? Why or why not? Please review the lesson for this week and your text book readings to understand what is meant by valid.

Initial responses should be no less than 200 words in length not including your reference(s) and supported by at least two references (aside from the textbook).

The Metaphysical Poets1. What similarities and differences do you note between the poetry of John Donne and that of Andrew Marvell? In what way does each poet exemplify metaphysical poetry?Your initial post should be at least 250 words.

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Science: What was known or unknown before the study was conducted
Reference No:- TGS02754214

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