What was jane elliott trying to demonstrate or prove

Assignment task:

The Blue Eye Brown Eye Experiment, also known as the "Brown Eyes/Blue Eyes Exercise," and as you read in the chapter is a famous and influential social experiment conducted by Jane Elliott, an American teacher and diversity educator. This experiment aimed to demonstrate the effects of discrimination, prejudice, and stereotyping based on a perceived physical characteristic-eye color-in a controlled educational environment.

Assignment Instructions:

Part 1: Background and Purpose

Discuss the primary objectives and purpose of the experiment. What was Jane Elliott trying to demonstrate or prove through this exercise? Explore the historical and sociocultural context that motivated her to conduct the experiment.

Part 2: Experimental Design and Ethical Considerations

Analyze the experimental design used in the Blue Eye Brown Eye Experiment. Discuss its strengths and weaknesses.

Address the ethical considerations of the experiment. Were there any potential ethical issues related to conducting this exercise on participants, especially children? Evaluate how the study's ethical concerns might have influenced the results.

Part 3: Outcomes and Impact

Describe the outcomes and results of the Blue Eye Brown Eye Experiment. How did the participants' behavior change throughout the exercise? Were there any unexpected findings?

Analyze the broader impact of the experiment on both the participants and the public. How did this exercise contribute to the understanding of discrimination and prejudice?

Part 4: Relevance and Lessons

Explore the relevance of the Blue Eye Brown Eye Experiment in today's society. Have there been any significant changes in attitudes or practices related to discrimination and prejudice since the experiment's inception?

Are we are committing this same today?  Reflecting upon your experiences, research found, and personal perspective do you think, as a society, we fail the experiment? Why or why not?

Reflect on the lessons that can be learned from this experiment and how they can be applied to promote equality, empathy, and a better understanding of social issues in the real world.

Keep in mind to cite reliable sources and, when appropriate, provide empirical data to back up your claims. Apply critical thinking abilities to critically assess the experiment's design and results.

There is no word limit stipulated. Aim for three to five pages and be thorough.

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Reference No:- TGS03391833

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