What was his-her intentions or expected result


A. What is the title of the primary source? What is the actual source? Be specific - do not just state "a letter." Provide as much detail as you know about the document. i.e., ** [name, date, type of document: a letter, speech, journal entry, legal document, date, written to... in response to ...in an attempt to (persuade, record, prevent, motivate, encourage etc.)

B. Who created the source? Do not just state the name of author but provide some information about the person(s). Include specific information including their name, position/job: leader, worker, soldier, slave government official, landowner, the author's nationality (if applicable), etc. include specific historical details about the person.

C. Why was this source produced? (Why did the author write the document?) What was his/her intentions or expected result?

D. Who was the intended audience of this source? Was this source meant for one person's eyes, or for the public? (Who is the author/creator writing to?) How might the audience affect the source?

E. Where was this source produced? (What country, region, state etc.) In what kind of society was the source produced? (Social, cultural, government, religion, etc.)

F. Summarize the source. What is it about? What do we learn about history from this source/of what significance is this source? (What can this source tell us about a period, culture, political structure or history?) Response should be 1-2 paragraphs.

G. What questions do you have about the source? (Hint: All historians have questions). What do you think about this source? What do you like or find interesting in the document, if anything? What bothers you about it? What would you need to know or have to determine if this is a reliable or valid source?

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History: What was his-her intentions or expected result
Reference No:- TGS03346225

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