
What was good about your first intercourse what was

1) Do you ever mastrubate without technology (vibrators, toys, or porn?) How would it change your experience if you did?

2) How do you deal with jealousy? Do you accept it as your responsibility or do you make your partner responsible for your feelings? Are you a jealous person? How do you overcome jealousy when you have it?

3) How do you communcate to a partner exactly how and where you like to be touched? Do you touch all over, or just the sexual parts of the body?

4) What was good about your first intercourse? What was challenging? If you had to do it over again would you choose a different partner? A different place? A different time in your life?

5) What do you imagine the biggest challenges would be in an open relationship? The biggest rewards? Have you ever considered one or been in an open relationship?

6) What agreements do you make with a partner to keep you safe from abuse in a kinky scene? How do you negotiate boundaries? How do you know when to stop? Where did you learn this? Does it work well for you?

7) Do you see sex as a spiritual act? Always, or only sometimes? Can you be sexually spiritual with a stranger?

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Dissertation: What was good about your first intercourse what was
Reference No:- TGS02287033

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