
What was going on in the larger society

Assignment task:

As a student, I will make a timeline of my own development. I will Identify 2 "life events" that are "significant" in reflecting and/or shaping the person I have been, are, and continue to become. The 2 life events are to represent biological, psychological [intellectual/cognitive], psychological [emotional/affective], and spiritual dimensions of myself (each event should encompass all three dimensions). Additionally, I will consider the time and environmental dimensions of the unique events at the 1) micro level (at what age, stage of development, and in what settings-natural and physical environments-did the events take place) and 2) mezzo/macro level (during what year did the events take place, and what was going on in "the larger society" that may have had an impact on my experiences). The paper is to contain the following sections:

Timeline graphic formal narrative-written in first person-that:

a. describes each event

b. explains its significance to your development

c. locates the event within time and environmental dimensions at micro and mezzo/macro levels & analyzes the impact(s) of those dimensions concluding statement entitled "Implications for Social Work Practice" in which you identify strengths and limitations for effective social work practice that you draw from your life events.

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Other Subject: What was going on in the larger society
Reference No:- TGS03238215

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