Question 1: What was Fed Chairman Paul Volker's primary tactic to deal with the stagflation? How did this affect the economy? Did Reagan support the moves? Did the policy accomplish it's objective?
Question 2: What were the four main components of the mid-80s "Reagonomics"? What were the pros and cons?
Question 3: (OPINION) Do you believe the ideas of Keynes or Hayak are most appropriate to deal with our economic challenges today? What industries would you like to see more government planning and less market forces? Alternatively which would you like to decentralize and utilize more market forces? Either way, you understand there are trade-offs, so would you be sacrificing? Why are you willing to give this up?
Question 4: (OPINION) In what ways do you think wars impact political, social, and economic conditions in a nation? What factors do you think generate a spirit or culture of war? In contrast, what factors generate a spirit or culture of peace? How can this shed light on the spread of Communism and Capitalism in different parts of the world after WWI and WWII?
Question 5: (OPINON) What political leaders exhibited in the documentary do you believe were most successful in achieving their goals, whether you agree with those goals or not? Which were least successful? Which leaders were most successful in achieving your goals? That is, if you could find a leader today to embody the principles of one from the past, which single past leader would it be? What policies of this leader do you think are most beneficial? Why?