What was engidu like at the beginning of the story describe

Writing Assignment: Gilgamesh

Read the Epic of Gilgamesh very carefully.

Answer the following questions

1. Who was Gilgamesh?

2. What was Engidu like at the beginning of the story? Describe how he looked.

3. How does Engidu change? What event occurs and how does this event change him?

4. What happens at meeting between Gilgamesh and Engidu, and what is their relationship after?

5. What do the 2 men do together?

6. What happens to Engidu? How does Gilgamesh react to this?

7. What does Gilgamesh seek? Does he obtain it?

Attachment:- The Epic of Gilgamesh.rar

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History: What was engidu like at the beginning of the story describe
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