
What value do you find in the development of the logic

Logic models play an important role in the development of a program evaluation and performance measure plan.

PLEASE Read the articles

" https://hpp.sagepub.com/content/7/1/8.full.pdf+html?ijkey=0h3ktNDhb7.uQ&keytype=ref&siteid=sphpp " and

" https://www.sciencedirect.com.libproxy.edmc.edu/science/article/pii/S0149718905000066 " by Goldman and Schmalz (2006) and Kaplan and Garrett (2005), respectively.

The articles further explore how to conduct and apply logic models. You will find the article by Goldman and Schmalz especially useful as it walks you through the creation of a logic model. Kaplan and Garrett's article will provide valuable insight into the application of a logic model.


In a minimum of 250 words, respond to the following:

What value do you find in the development of the logic model as part of the program evaluation process after considering the development and application of the logic model?

What conditions within an organization or agency lead to the development of a strong logic model?

What conditions within an organization or agency make the development of a sound logic model challenging?

What steps can you take to address or overcome those challenges?


Goldman, K. D., & Schmalz, K. J. (2006). Logic models: The picture worth ten

thousand words. Health Promotion Practice, 7(1), 8-12.

Kaplan, S. A., & Garrett, K. E. (2005). The use of logic models by community-based initiatives. Evaluation and Program Planning, 28(2), 167-172.

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