
What usual method or procedure you use in your company


Management (Instigating Side)

One of you is the Manager in a department of a large organisation (350 employees) and in charge of 50 staff. The other is the HR Manager.

One of your employees (Suliman - who is a Muslim) has complained to you that another member of your staff (Alan) has been racist towards him and he wants you to do something about it.

Alan is 50, is married, has one grown up son and has worked there for 25 years. You have been his manager for 5 years. Alan is reasonably well liked in the office, good at his job, respected by his staff and always there to offer advice when anyone asks. Suliman is 19 and has worked there for 6 months, keeps pretty much to himself and has settled into the job well.

Suliman claims that during a lunchtime conversation with another member of staff (Bert), Alan said "Moderate Muslims don't exist. The Jihadi's are killing in the name of Islam. They're not doing it in anyone else's name. So if you're a Muslim - you're part of Islam." As the conversation developed - Suliman says Alan went on to say "I especially detest the radicals - they have no place in this country whatsoever - they are nothing but vermin." Suliman says he said to Alan "That makes you a racist doesn't it?" To which Alan replied "No I'm not a racist - I find that offensive".

You have called Alan in to your office to discuss the matter but you have not at this stage told him what the meeting is about.
You'll probably want to see Bert as well and it's up to you, who you see first.

• What usual method/procedure you use in your company if this kind of situation happened.

• What are the questions you will ask Allan, Suliman and Bert?

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Operation Management: What usual method or procedure you use in your company
Reference No:- TGS03322412

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