The Red Scare and The Sacco & Vanzetti Trial
I. What are the origins of the Red Scare? Why were Americans so afraid of "the Reds"?
II. For what crime were Sacco & Vanzetti put on trial?
III. Why were Saco & Vanzetti regarded as martyrs by many world observers? What is the greater significance of the trial's outcome?
IV. Why did Francis Rusell originally believe that Sacco & Vanzetti were innocent?
V. What unanswered questions changed Rusell's mind?
VI. What did the ballistics tests conclude?
i. 1961 test
ii. 1983 test.
VII. Identify title/role in case and provide any opinions stated by each:
i. Fred Moore
ii. Carlo Tresca
iii. Giovanni Gambera
VIII. Finally, what does Rusell conclude really happened? Do you agree with him?