
What types of techniques were used in the study


A. What was the specific research question(s) of this study?

B. What was known previously about this question? How does answering the research question(s) add something new to what is already known?

C. Do the authors have a hypothesis? If so, what is it? Is this appropriate?

D. Who or what was studied? Be as specific as possible. (Examples: purified IFI16 protein; the human monocyte cell line THP-1 in culture; male Balb/c mice that are deficient in the Ifi16 gene, HIV-infected patients)

E. What types of techniques were used in this study? Were these the appropriate techniques to use?

F. What were the results? (Refer to figures.) (After analysis, what did the data say about the overall scientific question?) This should relate to what the data say, not what the authors say about the data (you could later point out a discrepancy there as part of your contestable claim). What is the overall conclusion of the study? (Remember to answer all of this question, lack of detail in answering this question is a common place where students lose points on this assignment)

G. What cautions, if any, do the authors raised about interpreting the study? If there are no cautions raised, is this appropriate?

H. Were there any flaws in this study? How could the experimental design be improved?

I. What particularly interesting or valuable things did you learn from reading the report? (Consider results, method, discussion, references, and so on.)

J. What follow-up experiments should be done to study this problem following this paper?

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Reference No:- TGS03338832

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