What types of evaluation measures were used

Assignment task: This assignment will help you improve understanding and ability to think critically about the public relations process (RACE).

Choose a situation (ideally from your organization) or a campaign and critically discuss it using the RACE process. Remember that the purpose of the case study analysis is to analyse and evaluate the strategic process evidenced in the case.. Do NOT simply describe the campaign or case.


1. Summary: After presenting in brief the history of the company, summarize the situation described in the case. You can mention other means of communication (marketing, advertising) but try to stick on public relations related subjects.

2. Research: What types of research were carried out (primary, secondary, qualitative and/or quantitative) and why? Which research methods (focus groups, surveys etc) were used and why? What stakeholder groups were identified?

3. Planning: What objectives were formulated for the campaign? Include both informational and motivational objectives as well as outputs, outtakes, and outcomes. Were these objectives appropriate to the situation and why?

4. Communication: Briefly describe the communication tactics used to pursue the stated objectives. Include key messages or themes and use of media (owned or uncontrolled).

Evaluate a press release and stress what you would avoid or include to make it more efficient.

5. Evaluation: What types of evaluation measures were used? Were all the objectives measured appropriately? Why or why not?

6. What would you change if you oversaw the public communication campaign?

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