
What types of crisis events provide a warning period


A. If an organization has subcontracted threat monitoring services, does the organization need to review the actual actions being taken by the subcontractor?

B. Identify key earthquake mitigation steps.

C. Identify key hurricane mitigation steps.

D. List the most common 'social distancing policies' that can be used in the workplace if a pandemic outbreak occurs.

E. List the most common 'personal protection equipment' that can be used in the workplace if a pandemic outbreak occurs.

F. An intercom message is received stating that a hostile intruder situation exists in the building and that a shelter-in-place should be performed. Subsequently a fire alarm is heard indicating the need to perform a building evacuation. Faced with this conflicting information, what would you do and why?

G. What types of crisis events provide a warning period?

H. Discuss ways an organization can interface with civil responders without making a substantial financial commitment.

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Operation Management: What types of crisis events provide a warning period
Reference No:- TGS03246451

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