
What types of child maltreatment waswere portrayed label

Article : The Long-Term Health Consequences of Child Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, and Neglect: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis By Rosana E. Norman,Munkhtsetseg Byambaa, Rumna De, Alexander Butchart, James Scott,Theo Vos

Watch "The Broken Child" posted within Learning Module Five.

1 Select one (1) of the people/situations portrayed in the video. Discuss the following questions for the person/situation you chose:

a. What type(s) of child maltreatment was/were portrayed? Label the type(s) and explain what you saw that made you think of this type of maltreatment?

b. What problems or risk factors were presented that appear to have caused the maltreatment?

c. What effect of the maltreatment did you see?

d. What was your opinion of the attempts at intervention that were made?

e. What was surprising to you about this person or situation? Why was this surprising to you?

The purpose of the paper is to provide you with an opportunity to think about and respond to the video, particularly in light of lectures and readings.

Thoughts, reactions, and questions about the video should be recorded in this paper. Please do not simply summarize what happened in the video - you will lose points on the assignment for doing this.

You MUST cite at least three (3) sources of information in your paper (e.g., material from your book, the readings, or the lecture) to receive full credit.

You may also include readings from past modules. The video does not count as a source. Your paper should be at least two complete pages and no more than four pages.


McCoy, M. L., & Keen, S. M. (2014). Child abuse and neglect (2nd Ed.). New York, New York: Psychology Press.

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