LAB Assignment
Frequency Effects
What are Bode plots? Use a well labelled diagram to aid your explanation.
Calculate the input-coupling circuit and output-coupling circuit low-frequency cutoff points for the circuit shown below.
Using Multisim construct the circuits shown below:

a. Connect the Bode Plotter as shown, and use the setting in the figure. Set the function generator amplitude to 5mVp and 10Hz.
b. Attach the Tektronix oscilloscope channel 1 to measure peak-to-peak voltage across the function generator, and channel 2 to measure the peak-to-peak voltage across the load RL. Record both values in the results section, and use them to calculate the voltage gain in decibel - show ALL work.
c. How does the calculated voltage gain compare to the midband gain from the Bode plot?
d. Using bode plotter cursor to mark and measure the low and high cutoff frequency, calculate the bandwidth.
Show all screen shots - that prove all meter readings. Record measured values and calculations in this section.
What types of applications can this circuit be used in? Explain.
What did you learn?