
What type of work do your parents do how many brothers and

Question: Middle Childhood Age Interview/Summary

Interview Questions:

1. How old are you?

2. What grade are you in?

3. How old are your parents?

4. What type of work do your parents do?

5. How many brothers and sisters do you have? How do you get along with them?

(Only child, Do you wish you had siblings? Why or why not?)

6. Tell me about your family. What do you do together?

7. What chores do you do at home?

8. What athletics, clubs, or other activities do you participate in? Tell me a little about them.

9. Do you like the activities that you are in? Do you wish you were involved more? less?

10. What TV shows do you watch? Video Games?

11. How much time each day do you spend watching television and videos, or playing video games?

12. How much time do you spend on the internet? What do you do on the internet?

13. Tell me about your friends. What do you do with them?

14. Do you have any best friends? How would you describe them?

15. How are your parents are strict with you?

16. How do your parents get you to do your schoolwork? How do you feel about this?

17. Tell me about school? What do you like about it? What don't you like about it?

18. If you could change your school, what would you do to change it?

19. What makes a good teacher? Can you describe one of your best teachers?

20. What do you want to be when you grow up?

21. Is there anything else that you would like to tell me about yourself?

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- MiddleChildhoodAgedInterviewQuestions16-17-18.rar

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Dissertation: What type of work do your parents do how many brothers and
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