What type of targeting strategy is kill kapture using

Assignment: Case Study Analysis For Kil_Kapture

- You are required to provide a written analysis of one case study - Kill_Kapture.

- The answers to the case study analysis are to be typed (single line spacing), minimum of 1,000 words plus any appendices and a reference list.

This case study is for submission as an assessment and notes and bullet points are not acceptable.

Provide answers to the following:

1. Identify the demographic characteristics of the target market for Kill_Kapture.

2. In psycho-graphic segmentation of the target market for the Kill_Kapture brand, how does the concept of self-orientation apply?

3. What type of targeting strategy is Kill_Kapture using?

·-The written answers should be used to contribute to the class discussion of the topic. Wider reading is encouraged and referencing to academic journals should be used where appropriate.

· The written answers should be used to contribute to the class discussion of the topic. Wider reading is encouraged and referencing to academic journals should be used where appropriate.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Marketing Management: What type of targeting strategy is kill kapture using
Reference No:- TGS02125443

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