
What type of signs and symptoms are you experiencing

Telephone Assessment with example.

The 1st row is the diagnosed of what the patient on the phone have. 2nd row is the signs and symptoms, the 3rd row is where you put the questions you would ask someone if they call into a doctor office, the 4th row is where you put what you would tell the person over the phone. At the bottom is a examples of what it should look like. Then there are 1-12. Please remember to use a reference page.

-Abdominal Pain:
-Signs and Symptoms can include gas pains, cramps, diarrhea or other alteration in bowel movements. 
-What type of signs and symptoms are you experiencing? How long has this been going on? Are you experiencing any type of diarrhea and/or nausea and vomiting. Where is your pain at on your abdomen? Are you having any other symptoms such as fever? (Female patients: Ask if they could be pregnant). Ask if they are having any urinary problems with the abdominal pain? Do you have a history of abdominal problems?
-Home Care Advice: If patient is experiencing abdominal pain along with fever, the patient needs to be seen immediately to rule out serious causes. This also includes bloody diarrhea and vomiting and diarrhea that cannot be controlled at home.
If the patient has mild abdominal discomfort, home care advice includes a bland diet, no spicy foods. Drink plenty of fluids. Can use OTC medications for stomach upset. Call the doctor if the pain becomes worse or you develop a fever with the abdominal pain. If experiencing nausea and vomiting along with diarrhea, patient needs to be seen if possible or referred to the ER if patient worsens.

1. Choking and Breathing Crisis
2. Shock
3. Wounds
4. Burns
5.URI (Upper respiratory infection)
6. Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia
7. Insect Bites and Stings
8. Head Injuries
9. Chest Pain
10.Dysuria and UTI (Urinary tract infection)
12.Poison Ingestion  

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Reference No:- TGS0128466

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