
What type of sentence is the following end punctuation has

Question 1. In the sentence He quietly opened the door and went to the back seat, He is a/an
a. noun
b. pronoun
c. adverb
d. adjective

Question 2. In the sentence He quietly opened the door and went to the back seat, quietly is a/an
a. preposition
b. conjunction
c. adverb
d. adjective

Question 3. In the sentence He quietly opened the door and went to the back seat, opened is a/an
a. noun
b. pronoun
c. adverb
d. verb

Question 4. What type of sentence is the following? (End punctuation has been omitted.) Mr. Rodman asked if anyone else was interested in tickets for the afternoon sports event
a. command
b. statement
c. question
d. fragment

Question 5. What type of sentence is the following? (End punctuation has been omitted.) Before the error could be detected in any of the printout copies
a. command
b. statement
c. question
d. fragment

Question 6. This is the first year in which profits exceeded _______________.
a. loss
b. losses
c. loss's

Question 7. Employees at the _____________ main office were being transferred.
a. companies'
b. companys'
c. company's

Question 8. Registration for evening classes went __________.
a. smooth
b. smoothly

Question 9. The warranty expires after a ____________ time.
a. year's
b. years'
c. years

Question 10. Kathy said that she felt _____________ about missing the retirement celebration.
a. bad
b. badly

Question 11. Two ______________ speeches were exceptionally long.
a. candidate's
b. candidates'
c. candidates

Question 12. It sounds _________ the company may be reducing the sales staff in the near future.
a. like
b. as if

Question 13. At Datatech each ___________ personnel record is available for him or her to inspect.
a. employee's
b. employees
c. employees'

Question 14. Seated ________ Mrs. Normandy is the sales manager.
a. beside
b. besides

Question 15. No one would dispute that the student task force and ________ achievements have been significant.
a. its
b. it's
c. its'

Question 16. Michael and ____________ expect to be given new assignments.
a. I
b. me
c. myself

Question 17. If you are willing to ____________ responsibility, many employment opportunities are available.
a. accept
b. except

Question 18. ___________ is the office with carpeting.
a. Our's
b. Ours

Question 19. Time on the network must be divided equitably _________ students, employees, and faculty.
a. between
b. among

Question 20. It must be the ______________ home that is being repainted.
a. Lopez'
b. Lopez's
c. Lopezes'
d. Lopezes

Question 21. Your _______ signature must be affixed.
a. boss's
b. bosses
c. bosses'
d. boss

Question 22. Our candidate will be ___________ the committee selects.
a. whoever
b. whomever

Question 23. _______ do you think will be our next mayor?
a. Who
b. Whom

Question 24. All investors expect a share of the profit to be returned to ______________.
a. him or her
b. them

Question 25. Each of the employees was given ____________ own company manual describing standard procedures.
a. their
b. his
c. his or her

Question 26. The sleek design and the superb engineering of the latest van ___________ it appealing to a wide range of customers.
a. make
b. makes

Question 27. Our summary of the points in this report __________ contained in our cover letter.
a. is
b. are

Question 28. The delivery service serves 2,000 employees in 45 departments and had _____ daily pickups.
a. 4
b. four

Question 29. The manager, as well as two sales representatives, _______ prepared to call on the customer personally.
a. is
b. are

Question 30. ___________ for sending the gift.
a. Thankyou
b. Thank-you
c. Thank you

Question 31. We appreciate very much _________ writing the letter of introduction.
a. his
b. him

Question 32. Are you sure ________ luggage can't be located?
a. they're
b. there
c. their

Question 33. Can you try _________ see if the figures will be available later this month?
a. and
b. to

Question 34. We were surprised to learn that __________ champagne was being served with the brunch.
a. complementary
b. complimentary

Question 35. Lisa __________ hardly begun to speak when she was interrupted.
a. had
b. hadn't

Question 36. Their warehouse has been moved to __________ Avenue.

a. Fifth
b. 5th

Question 37. General Motors and its employees reached ________ understanding regarding employee benefits.
a. a
b. an

Question 38. The meeting will be held on June __________.
a. 9
b. 9th
c. Ninth

Question 39. Mr. Salazar said I could _________ worked last weekend.
a. of
b. have

Question 40. We will be visiting the _________ of Portland.
a. City
b. city

Question 41. Send the proposal to our ____________, Dr. Thompson.
a. director of research
b. Director of Research
c. Director of research

Question 42. The meeting will begin at ___________ a.m.
a. 9:00
b. 9
c. nine

Question 43. The bill was for ___________.
a. twenty-five dollars
b. 25 dollars
c. $25
d. $25 dollars

Question 44. This information must be kept strictly between you and __________.
a. I
b. me
c. myself

Question 45. Because the sales letter was ________ long, it had to be rewritten.
a. too
b. to
c. two

Question 46. Two of the _________ contained the same error.
a. bills of lading
b. bill of ladings
c. bill's of lading

Question 47. That business was established in the early __________.
a. 2000's
b. 2000s

Question 48. Revenues this year are expected to exceed ____________.
a. $1,500,000
b. $1.5 million
c. $1.5 million dollars

Question 49. My ______________ apartment is quiet.
a. aunt's and uncle's
b. aunt and uncles
c. aunt and uncle's
d. aunts and uncles

Question 50. The alarm had ___________ so often in the past that no one responded to it last night.
a. rang
b. rung

Question 51. An excellent, comprehensive benefits package is now available to ___________ employees.
a. us
b. we

Question 52. The movie we saw last night was _________ good.
a. real
b. really

Question 53. Mr. Robbins asked everyone except Frank and _____ to participate in the program.
a. he
b. him

Question 54. Always answer the telephone with the phrase "This is __________."
a. her
b. she

Question 55. Do any of the applicants have better qualifications than ___________?
a. she
b. her

Question 56. If I ___________ you, I would cancel the order immediately.
a. was
b. were

Question 57. The Federal Trade Commission, made up of five appointed members, uses _______ influence to protect consumers.
a. its
b. it's
c. its'
d. their

Question 58. The stationery that I ordered was totally different _______ the stationery that we delivered today.
a. from
b. than

Question 59. Either Ms. Purvis or Ms. Novak will be happy to help you in any way _____ can.

a. she
b. they

Question 60. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. We are pleased with the sample software you sent, and expect to be placing an order for several programs within the next two month.
b. We are pleased with the sample software you sent and expect to be placing an order for several programs within the next two months.
c. We are pleased with the sample software you sent; and expect to be placing an order for several programs within the next two months.

Question 61. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. You may be offered a position in our Tampa branch; or you may be assigned to our Atlanta office.
b. You may be offered a position in our Tampa branch or you may be assigned to our Atlanta office.
c. You may be offered a position in our Tampa branch, or you may be assigned to our Atlanta office.

Question 62. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. Jamal lived in Dayton, Ohio before moving to Trenton, New Jersey.
b. Jamal lived in Dayton, Ohio, before moving to Trenton, New Jersey.
c. Jamal lived in Dayton, Ohio before moving to Trenton New Jersey.

Question 63. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. We can, as a matter of fact, promise you the lowest auto insurance rates in the state.
b. We can as a matter of fact, promise you the lowest auto insurance rates in the state.
c. We can, as a matter of fact; promise you the lowest auto insurance rates in the state.

Question 64. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. Jones, Popham, and McCabe: these are the authors of our book.
b. Jones, Popham, and McCabe; these are the authors of our book.
c. Jones, Popham, and McCabe--these are the authors of our book.

Question 65. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. We would be delighted to have you examine the proposal, when you come to our office next month.
b. We would be delighted to have you examine the proposal when you come to our office next month.
c. We would be delighted, to have you examine the proposal, when you come to our office next month.

Question 66. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. When you e-mailed me last week you requested our latest market projections.
b. When you e-mailed me last week, you requested our latest market projections.
c. When you e-mailed me last week; you requested our latest market projections.

Question 67. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. Joyce Kinsman, Ph.D., has agreed to be the speaker at our next meeting.
b. Joyce Kinsman Ph.D. has agreed to be the speaker at our next meeting.
c. Joyce Kinsman, Ph.D. has agreed to be the speaker at our next meeting.

Question 68. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. In 2006 additional employees were hired to work in our Sarasota office.
b. In 2006, additional employees were hired to work in our Sarasota office.
c. In 2006 additional employees, were hired to work in our Sarasota office.

Question 69. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. I believe Mr. Winston, not Ms. Simon, is the accountant who called you.
b. I believe Mr. Winston, not Ms. Simon is the accountant who called you.
c. I believe Mr. Winston not Ms. Simon is the accountant who called you.

Question 70. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. I plan to travel to Geneva Switzerland, Athens Greece, and Rome Italy next summer.
b. I plan to travel to Geneva, Switzerland, Athens, Greece, and Rome, Italy next summer.
c. I plan to travel to Geneva, Switzerland; Athens, Greece; and Rome, Italy, next summer.

Question 71. In the sentence He quietly opened the door and went to the back seat, door is a/an
a. noun
b. pronoun
c. adverb
d. verb

Question 72. In the sentence He quietly opened the door and went to the back seat, and is a/an
a. conjunction
b. preposition
c. adverb
d. adjective

Question 73. In the sentence He quietly opened the door and went to the back seat, went is a/an
a. conjunction
b. preposition
c. adverb
d. verb

Question 74. In the sentence He quietly opened the door and went to the back seat, to is a/an
a. noun
b. pronoun
c. conjunction
d. preposition

Question 75. Somebody forgot ________ coat.
a. their
b. his or her

Question 76. In the sentence He quietly opened the door and went to the back seat, the is a/an
a. conjunction
b. adjective
c. adverb
d. preposition

Question 77. Neither the supervisor nor the members of the crew could find ______________ instructions for the job.
a. his
b. their
c. its
d. his or her

Question 78. In the sentence He quietly opened the door and went to the back seat, back is a/an
a. conjunction
b. adjective
c. adverb
d. preposition

Question 79. Today's newspaper is _____ with the other papers in the stack by the wall.
a. laying
b. lying

Question 80. In the sentence He quietly opened the door and went to the back seat, seat is a/an
a. noun
b. pronoun
c. adjective
d. preposition

Question 81. Every student, every faculty member, and every administrator ________ asked to provide input for the survey.
a. was
b. were

Question 82. What type of sentence is the following? (End punctuation has been omitted.) Charges for each user are based on actual network time
a. command
b. statement
c. question
d. fragment

Question 83. It appears that _________ of these products will meet our rigid specifications.
a. any one
b. anyone

Question 84. What type of sentence is the following? (End punctuation has been omitted.) Which explains why some users had greater charges than other users in distant locations
a. command
b. statement
c. question
d. fragment

Question 85. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. Business owners, who want to expand their markets, must consider advertising.
b. Business owners who want to expand their markets, must consider advertising.
c. Business owners who want to expand their markets must consider advertising.

Question 86. Some of the preparation for these programs _______ already taken place.
a. has
b. have

Question 87. What type of sentence is the following? (End punctuation has been omitted.) Send for a booklet describing this comprehensive service soon
a. command
b. statement
c. question
d. fragment

Question 88. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. Our prices are reasonable; consequently we have a large-volume business.
b. Our prices are reasonable; consequently, we have a large-volume business.
c. Our prices are reasonable, consequently we have a large-volume business.

Question 89. A committee of concerned citizens __________ meeting regularly to develop environmental guidelines.
a. is
b. are

Question 90. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. Your order was received today, your parts will be shipped tomorrow.
b. Your order was received today your parts will be shipped tomorrow.
c. Your order was received today; your parts will be shipped tomorrow.

Question 91. If there are no _____________ questions about the matter, we will move on to other business.
a. further
b. farther

Question 92. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. We collected many signatures; then, we submitted the petition.
b. We collected many signatures; then we submitted the petition.
c. We collected many signatures, then we submitted the petition.

Question 93. Susan hoped that she had done ________ on the test.
a. good
b. well

Question 94. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. To service increasing numbers of policyholders, 21st Century Insurance implemented a computer network.
b. To service increasing numbers of policyholders; 21st Century Insurance implemented a computer network.
c. To service increasing numbers of policyholders, 21st Century Insurance, implemented a computer network.

Question 95. I would _____________ like to acquire this software for my computer.
a. sure
b. surely

Question 96. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. Before you send the proposal, be sure to check the budget figures.
b. Before you send the proposal; be sure to check the budget figures.
c. Before you send the proposal be sure to check the budget figures.

Question 97. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. Susie Truong who is the new account representative, has been given a desk in the adjoining office.
b. Susie Truong, who is the new account representative, has been given a desk in the adjoining office.
c. Susie Truong, who is the new account representative; has been given a desk in the adjoining office.

Question 98. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. We do not forget our customers after they have made purchases from us.
b. We do not forget our customers, after they have made purchases from us.
c. We do not forget, our customers, after they have made purchases from us.

Question 99. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. Copier price bids have been received from Canon, Xerox, and IBM.
b. Copier price bids have been received from: Canon, Xerox, and IBM.
c. Copier price bids have been received from--Canon, Xerox and, IBM.

Question 100. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. Models are available in the following colors: smoke, caramel, and gold.
b. Models are available in the following colors--smoke, caramel, and gold.
c. Models are available in the following colors; smoke, caramel, and gold.

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Other Subject: What type of sentence is the following end punctuation has
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