
What type of scale is being used

Use this document to research your answers. Once you are ready, complete the BlackBoard assessment exam for course credit. This exam covers Chapters 13, 14, 15, & 20.

1. How we define a construct will affect the way we measure it. (T/F)

2. How much a person weighs is best described as an example of a(n) _____ scale.

a. ordinal

b. interval

c. ratio

d. nominal

3. Which of the following is a defining characteristic in determining between ratio and interval scales?

a. number of items

b. absolute zero

c. number of intervals

d. nominal values

4. Which of the following is an indicator of a measure's internal consistency?

a. reliability

b. validity

c. coefficient beta

d. sensitivity

5. When a researcher measures the reliability of an instrument by comparing the results of the odd-numbered questions with the results of the even-numbered questions, this is an example of _____ reliability.

a. test-retest

b. split-half

c. equivalent-forms

d. criterion

6. Carla is using education, income, and occupation to develop a measure of social class. What type of measure for social class is she developing?

a. index measure

b. valid measure

c. reliable measure

d. concurrent measure

7. The ability of a measuring instrument to measure what it is supposed to measure is the basic, purpose of _____.

a. reliability

a. Exam 1

b. validity

c. sensitivity

d. indexing

8. A researcher who administers the same scale to the same respondents at two separate times to test for stability is using which method of assessing the scale's reliability?

a. coefficient alpha

b. split-half method

c. test-retest method

d. before/after method

9. When a group of experts agrees that a measuring instrument measures what it is intended to measure, we say that the instrument has _____ validity.

a. face

b. criterion

c. test-retest

d. equivalent-forms

10. When respondents are asked to place local shopping malls so that their first choice is 1, their second choice is 2, and so forth, this is best-described as an example of a(n) _____ scale.

a. ordinal

b. ratio

c. interval

d. nominal

11. A person's knowledge about a brand is part of the affective component of that person's attitude toward that brand. (T/F)

12. What type of scale is the following?

Please an X at the position on the horizontal line that most reflects your feelings regarding the atmosphere of this restaurant.

Modern _______________ Old-fashioned

a. graphic rating

b. Likert

c. linear

d. category

13. A person's attitude toward Tide detergent can be directly observed. (T/F)

2Exam 1

14. A type of scale that demands that respondents divide points among several attributes to indicate their relative importance is called a:

a. constant-sum scale

b. Likert scale

c. Stapel scale

d. semantic differential

15. When a respondent is asked: "How often, on the average, do you take a smoke break during working hours?" and is asked to indicate her answer by circling one of the following: never, rarely, sometimes, often, very often, this is an example of a _____ scale.

a. semantic differential

b. Likert

c. category

d. constant-sum

16. If a Likert scale statement is worded negatively, the scoring of this item needs to recoded so that its score values are the opposite of the values of a statement that is positively worded. (T/F)

17. Ranking asks the respondent to estimate the magnitude or the extent to which some characteristic exists. (T/F)

18. "I love my job" is an example of which component of an attitude toward one's job?

a. affective

b. behavioral

c. cognitive

d. perceptive

19. Which attitude component represents a person's awareness and knowledge of the relative matter?

a. affective

b. cognitive

c. behavioral

d. personal

20. When a respondent is required to choose one of the fixed alternatives, what type of scale is being used?

a. semantic differential

b. forced-choice

c. non-forced-choice

d. symmetric

3Exam 1

21. "Do you own a cell phone? _____ Yes

a. leading

b. simple-dichotomy

c. loaded

d. open-ended response _____ No" is an example of what type of question?

22. Question wording and sequence can substantially influence accuracy. (T/F)

23. "Can you name five brands of tires?" is an example of what type of question?

a. fixed-alternative

b. pivot

c. open-ended response

d. filter

24. A loaded question suggests a socially desirable answer or is emotionally charged. (T/F)

25. A question such as: "Have you ever received a speeding ticket? _____ Yes _____ No," when followed by a question such as: "When did you receive that ticket?" is an example of what type of question?

a. double-barreled

b. leading

c. filter

d. anchoring

26. "In light of the current economic crisis, do you agree or disagree that the President of the United States is doing a good job of managing the economy?" is an example of what type of question?

a. countrbalancin

b. order bias

c. double-barreled

d. loaded

27. "What is your favorite hobby, playing video games, or what?" is an example of what type of question?

a. loaded

b. pivot

c. filter

d. leadingExam 1

28. An introductory statement or preamble to a potentially embarrassing question that reduces a respondent's reluctance to answer by suggesting that certain behavior is not unusual is called a:

a. filter question

b. lead-in statement

c. split-ballot question

d. counterbiasing statement

29. A fixed-alternative question may tempt respondents to check an answer that is more prestigious or socially acceptable than the true answer. (T/F)

30. Which of the following occurs when respondents believe that past events happened more recently than they actually did?

a. telescoping

b. squishing

c. myopic remembering

d. zooming

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