A. Why do the animals spend a few days in the "garage" area of the AARK building?
B. What does habituated mean in this sense?
C. The pre-release procedures described in the video (providing food, shelter) are often referred to as _________________ in the wildlife reintroduction world.
D. How are RVS animals cared for differently than others at the AARK?
E. What is the value of holding animals for education?
F. What type of release criteria are important for birds of prey?
G. Which three species are the most common mammals brought to the AARK?
H. A bird rehabilitation center receives over 3,000 injured or orphaned birds each year from the public and state authorities. Some of the birds are rare or protected species (e.g. birds of prey, rare neotropical migrants, etc.), while others are common or pest species (e.g. house sparrows, pigeons, etc.). The center does not have the space, finances, or personnel to handle all of the birds that come in, and there is no other center to send them to. Do you have any suggestions as to how this problem should be handled?
I. Liberia, West Africa is a stronghold for the globally endangered chimpanzee, although it is a common species in its forests. Local hunters often sell baby chimps that they have acquired when the mother was killed for food (bushmeat), even though the chimp is a fully protected species under Liberian law. There are no rehabilitation centers in Liberia, which is recovering from 14 years of war, nor is there money to even fund the wildlife officers or law enforcement. What would you do if you were one of the following people?:
a. Foreign worker who is on temporary assignment to Liberia, but who has a big backyard in which to care for animals. The orphan chimp is offered to you for $100.
b. Wildlife officer who hasn't been paid for three months, and has no support from the home office, sees the woman trying to sell the baby chimp.
c. Conservationist working to protect habitat and wildlife of Liberia with meager financial resources are asked to take the baby chimp.
J. To the north of Cape Town, South Africa the merchant vessel "Treasure" has sunk, spilling toxic fuel oil. Unfortunately, the spill coincides with the nesting season of the black-footed penguin, a non-endangered penguin. If nothing is done, up to 60% of the wild breeding population and their offspring will be affected. What do you see as the options, and which option do you think is the best and why?