
What type of product is a television a durable b recyclable

Q1. Which of the following examples best aligns a company's competencies and strategic goals with philanthropic activity? a. Merck uses its pharmaceutical expertise to develop a drug to combat river blindness and donates millions of doses to poor countries. b. The local telephone company donates money to the Youth Soccer Foundation to help pay for the upkeep of soccer fields and equipment. c. Ben and Jerry's Homemade ice cream company donates a percentage of its pretax profits to support peace initiatives. d. A hair salon donates one dollar of every haircut to support the local food bank's annual holiday food drive. e. A local gas station has a program in which its employees are partnered with disadvantaged youths as mentors.

Q2. How could the relationship between employer and employee be best characterized until the early 1900s? a. Supportive b. Teamwork c. Mother-daughter d. Father-son e. Master-servant

Q3. Which of the following situations may constitute quid pro quo sexual harassment? a. A male coworker makes unwelcomed sexual advances toward a female coworker, which causes her to feel that her job is threatened. b. A male manager suggests to one of his female employees that she will receive a raise if she wears shorter skirts and works 'overtime' once a week. c. Many male employees of a company make repeated remarks about how men are more intelligent than women, which makes the environment difficult for female employees. d. A female employee asks one of her subordinates out to dinner over and over again even though he always tells her no, and he is beginning to feel uncomfortable around her. e. A male employee often disseminates e-mails of a sexual nature to his coworkers that creates an awkward atmosphere for a couple of his female coworkers.

Q4. In the ACORN model for handling generational diversity in the workplace, the 'N' stands for a. not limiting employees' right to speak out. b. never forgetting that all employees are valuable. c. notifying people early of workplace reduction plans. d. noticing the problems when generations talk to one another. e. nourishing retention to keep the best employees.

Q5. What type of product is a television? a. Durable b. Recyclable c. Consumable d. Unsalable e. Disposable

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Business Management: What type of product is a television a durable b recyclable
Reference No:- TGS02864125

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