
What type of power do you need to develop

Assignment task:

What type of power do you need to develop? How can you personally develop each one of the power bases? For each power base, list one concrete step you must take to acquire that power base.

Coercive power: This is the power to force someone to do something against their will. It is often exercised through threats, implicitly, or explicitly. It is the power of dictators, despots, and bullies. Its principal goal is compliance. Demonstrations of harm are often used to illustrate what will happen if compliance is not gained.

Reward power: Reward power is the ability to give other people what they want, and hence ask them to do things for you in exchange. Rewards can also be used to punish, such as when they are withheld. The promise is essentially the same: do this and you will get that.

Legitimate power: Legitimate power is that which is invested in a role. Kings, policemen, and managers all have legitimate power. The legitimacy may come from a higher power, often one with coercive power. Legitimate power can often thus be the acceptable face of raw power.

Referent power: This power form comes from another person liking you or wanting to be like you. It is the power of charisma and fame and is wielded by social leaders.

Expert power:  When I have knowledge and skill that someone else requires, then I have expert power. This is a very common form of power and is the basis for a very large proportion of human collaboration, including most companies where the principle of specialization allows large and complex enterprises to be undertaken.

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