
What type of poem is death be not proud who is the speaker

1. In the poem "God's Grandeur," the phrase "nor can foot feel, being shod" means

A. humans are out of touch with nature.

B. the earth is home for humans.

C. the poet can sense God from head to toe.

D. God cures all pain.

2. One difference between the English sonnet and the Italian sonnet is its

A. theme.

B. rhyme scheme.

C. meter.

D. subject matter.

3. Which poet, who seems be using iambic pentameter, bends the meter most?

A. Emma Lazarus

B. John Donne

C. Gerard Manley Hopkins

D. Emily Dickinson

4. Which one of the following poems depends heavily on the use of allusion for effect?

A. "Grass"

B. "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night"

C. "Death, Be Not Proud"

D. "God's Grandeur"

5. Hopkins's use of "seared," "bleared," and "smeared" is an example of

A. assonance.

B. simile.

C. alliteration.

D. metaphor.

6. The theme of the poem "Richard Cory" is that

A. Richard Cory was a victim of fate.

B. a person's inner reality is often hidden.

C. surface glitter may be fool's gold.

D. money can't buy love.

7. A tercet is a

A. complex rhyme scheme.

B. three-line stanza.

C. literary genre.

D. figure of speech.

8. In the poem "God's Grandeur," we find the words reck and rod. By analysis we can determine that the word rod probably comes from the Bible and means

A. a tool of correction.

B. God's power.

C. God's wrath.

D. a principle of ethics.

9. A villanelle is

A. a type of complex sonnet.

B. a favorite technique of John Donne.

C. a formal poem using extensive repetition.

D. a narrative poem written in blank verse.

10. In Donne's sonnet, what does the phrase "one short sleep past" mean?

A. Death is more permanent than sleep.

B. Death is unavoidable.

C. Death, like a nap, isn't permanent.

D. Death comes sooner than expected.

11. The form of the poem "God's Grandeur" is that of

A. blank verse.

B. an Italian sonnet.

C. an English sonnet.

D. a villanelle.

12. A theological argument offered by Donne in "Death Be Not Proud" may be summarized as

A. life is illusion.

B. the human essence is immortal.

C. chance and fate rule all.

D. death cannot be overcome.

13. In "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night," Dylan Thomas's phrase "wild men" describes

A. people who deny death.

B. people who embrace death.

C. those who trade dignity for madness.

D. those who celebrate life.

14. In "Death, Be Not Proud," the speaker is addressing his words to

A. his father.

B. an old man.

C. Death.

D. God.

15. Emily Dickinson's poetry was rescued for posterity by

A. a cleric from Boston.

B. her secret lover.

C. her sister.

D. the residents of Amherst.

16. What type of poem is "Death, Be Not Proud"?

A. Descriptive

B. Reflective

C. Discursive

D. Narrative

17. Who is the speaker in Sandburg's "Grass"?

A. The grass

B. A passenger

C. A conductor

D. Napoleon

18. To paraphrase a poem means to

A. summarize its theme.

B. determine the rhyme scheme.

C. analyze the meter.

D. rewrite it in one's own words.

19. Beyond tone, a poet's attitude toward his or her subject reveals to us a poem's

A. diction.

B. subject.

C. theme.

D. structure.

20. In her poem, "The New Colossus," Emma Lazarus identifies the Statue of Liberty with

A. the Colossus of Rhodes.

B. a mother.

C. Old World tyranny.

D. wretchedness.

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English: What type of poem is death be not proud who is the speaker
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