What type of pathogen causes ringworm


The physician explains to Sarah's mother that ringworm can be transferred between people through touch. "It's common in school children, because they often come in close contact with each other, but anyone can become infected," he adds. "Because you can transfer it through objects, locker rooms and public pools are also a potential source of infection. It's very common among wrestlers and athletes in other contact sports."

Looking very uncomfortable, Sarah says to her mother "I want this worm out of me."

The doctor laughs and says, "Sarah, you're in luck because ringworm is just a name; it is not an actual worm. You have nothing wriggling around under your skin."

"Then what is it?" asks Sarah.

i. What type of pathogen causes ringworm?
ii. What is the most common nematode infection in the United States?

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Biology: What type of pathogen causes ringworm
Reference No:- TGS03321915

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