
What type of parent do you envision yourself becoming


A. What extracurricular activities did you participate in during middle school and/or high school? Include the sports, academic clubs, youth groups, and all other adult-sanctioned activities in which you participated. How do you feel these extracurricular activities impacted your grades and study habits? Did they decrease or increase any risky behavior? How did these activities impact your self-esteem and overall sense of well-being? In general, how has participating in these extracurricular activities impacted your development and the person you are today?

B. Reflecting on your own adolescence, provide examples of times when you think your experience was different from those of your peers as a function of something unique about you.

C. Chapter 11 states there are five key features that characterize emerging adulthood. What do you think about this list? Do you think Arnett is correct? Also, do you relate to any of these five characteristics?

D. What type of parent do you envision yourself becoming? If you are a parent, how do you parent your child/children? How do you think this is similar to or different than the way you were raised? What influences exist in your life that will make you parent differently from your own parents?

E. Explain perm parenting and the "lawn mower parent". What is the effect on children raised with this style of parenting?

F. Dementia and Alzheimer's disease are often discussed in the narrative they take on the people who are afflicted with the disease. However, not as much attention is given to the caretakers of people afflicted with these diseases. Do you know anyone who is/was a caretaker of someone with Alzheimer's or Dementia? What difficulties/struggles did they have while taking care of the person?

G. Discuss how to age successfully to get the most out of our elderly years.

H. Active Euthanasia is a highly debated topic in the United States. Currently seven states (along with Washington D.C.) have passed Death with Dignity laws that make it legal for physician assisted suicide. What are your thoughts regarding this topic?

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Science: What type of parent do you envision yourself becoming
Reference No:- TGS03291041

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