
What type of new product do you think hololens is - is it

When you are finished reviewing the background materials and doing some research on the latest developments with Microsoft Hololens, write a four to five page paper addressing the following questions:

  1. What type of new product do you think Hololens is - is it an innovative product, a replacement product, or an imitative product? Explain your reasoning with respect to the definitions of these three types of new products in Richardson and Gosnay (2011) and the potential features of Hololens.  
  2. What stage of the product life cycle do you think virtual reality technology is in right now? Also, what stage of the product life cycle do you think Microsoft's Hololens augmented reality technology is in? Refer to the stages of the product life cycle from the required background readings such as Richardson and Gosnay (2011).
  3. Based on the most research you have been able to find on Hololens, what steps in the new product development has Microsoft already completed? Which of the remaining steps that they have not completed do you think will be the most challenging or most crucial? Refer to either the eight stages of the new product development process in Richardson and Gosnay (2011) or the six phases discussed on pages 158-161 of Paley (2007).
  4. Overall, what is your impression of the potential for the success of the Hololens?

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Marketing Management: What type of new product do you think hololens is - is it
Reference No:- TGS02199695

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