
What type of leadership style seems a best fit for your

Discussion board 1 along with references

In a minimum of 200 words, respond to the following:

• Identify events that you believe to have greatly impacted the field of human services and discuss them in detail.

• Discuss both their intended and unintended consequences.

• Additionally, discuss the importance and changing shape of networking as discussed in the readings.

Discussion board 2 along with references

One aspect of the content in this module is leadership and organizational climate. In this assignment, reflect upon your personal leadership style, why it works for you, and challenges that you might have faced.

Tasks:Make sure read the Organizational Climate and Its Influence on Organizational Commitment (https://search-proquest-com.libproxy.edmc.edu/docview/195152223).

In a minimum of 200 words, respond to the following questions:

• What type of leadership style seems a best fit for your personality? Discuss it in detail.

• What aspects of this leadership style served you well in the past?

• What are the possible pitfalls to this leadership style?

Apply the resource material to your personal experience.

Use resources from professional literature in your research. Professional literature may include relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov).

Discussion board 3 along with references

In this discussion, describe an imagined human services agency in which you supervise employees whose performance is lower than the expected level.


In a minimum of 200 words, respond to the following:

• Discuss the details for this imagined service agency to depict a real situation.

• Utilizing the core concepts highlighted in this module's reading, discuss how you would understand the expected performance better.

• Identify and describe the specific interventions you might apply to increase the performance of the employees.

Discussion board 4 along with references


Revisit your imagined human services agency from M3 Assignment 1, and in a minimum of 400 words, respond to the following:

• Add to the collaborative details of your agency.

• Analyze and describe the current stage of your organization in the interorganizational process.

• Discuss specific methods to be utilized currently and in the near future to ensure organizational success.

Your discussion should rely upon at least three sources from additional professional literature. Professional literature may include relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov).
Discussion board 5 along with references


Revisit your imaginary human services agency from M3 Assignment 1 and in a minimum of 200 words, respond to the following:

• Discuss how the following aspects will impact the future of your agency:

o Changes in governance
o Increase in work flexibility
o Advancement in technology
o Any other item you consider relevant to your agency

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Dissertation: What type of leadership style seems a best fit for your
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