
What type of fever does the temperature fluctuate


Questions 1: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a page break, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer.

1. When one drug increases or counteracts the action of another, that's considered a _______ action.

A. synergistic

B. remote

C. systemic

D. local

2. The _______ name is assigned to a drug by the United States Adopted Names Council.

A. generic

B. chemical

C. brand

D. trade

3. When administering an intradermal injection, you should hold the needle at an angle of _______ degrees.

A. 25

B. 90

C. 10

D. 45

4. Which of the following diseases has no vaccine?

A. Botulism

B. Anthrax

C. Plague

D. Smallpox

5. What is the first thing you should do if your bare hand accidentally comes in contact with a patient's blood?

A. Wash your hands with soap and water.

B. Apply gloves.

C. Obtain a hepatitis B vaccination.

D. Report the incident to your physician.

6. In what type of fever does the temperature fluctuate minimally but always remain elevated?

A. Continuous

B. Intermittent

C. Hyperpyrexia

D. Remittent

7. Which of the following acronyms means nothing by mouth?





8. Assessing a patient through the use of a stethoscope is called

A. percussion.

B. palpation.

C. inspection.

D. auscultation.

9. What medical office form includes information on a patient's insurance company?

A. Medication record

B. Patient demographic information form

C. Consultation report

D. Health history

10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the chief complaint that must be ascertained to be part of a complete history?

A. Quality

B. Timing

C. Reaction

D. Radiation

11. Which of the following methods should you use to clean a stethoscope?

A. Boiling

B. Sterilization

C. Chemical disinfection by soaking

D. Sanitization

12. An organism that can exist only in the presence of oxygen is called

A. heterotopy.

B. oxygenophile.

C. anaerobic.

D. aerobic.

13. Which common emergency drug helps restore heart rate?

A. Verapamil

B. Atropine

C. Compazine

D. Isuprel

14. Which of the following Schedules cannot be dispensed by verbal order?




D. V

15. A hard copy of a prescription is filed and kept for a minimum of _______ years.

A. nine

B. seven

C. five

D. ten

16. The patient states she smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. On what form should you record this information?

A. Demographic data form

B. Progress note

C. Medical history

D. Physical examination

17. Schedule IV and V drugs may include refills, but refills are limited _______ times within six months.

A. five

B. six

C. two

D. four

18. Which of the following drugs is derived from an animal source?

A. Prilosec

B. Motrin

C. Captopril

D. Feldene

19. _______ are abnormal sounds heard on auscultation of an organ or vessel, such as a vein or an artery.

A. Bruits

B. Ratchets

C. Rales

D. Polyps

20. An objective sign is one that

A. precedes a disease.

B. can be observed by another person.

C. causes the patient the most trouble.

D. is felt by the patient and can't be observed by another person.

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Physics: What type of fever does the temperature fluctuate
Reference No:- TGS02989510

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