
What type of discourse do you need to consider


For this writing speech, you are going to work within the context that this NGO has brought you in to speak to the importance of the issue of focus for the NGO. Your speech is championing their cause!

You will (theoretically) represent the foundation/organization/NGO (Non-government organization) that was identified in the first speech. create an artifact for a campaign for this NGO. NOW. YOU are now the ARTIFACT.

Of course, the speech is about DEMONSTRATING the fundamental techniques of rhetoric/discourse. Though the topic is secondary to the course goals, it is significant to be utilized thoughtfully to demonstrate your mastery of the techniques. You must know your content well to discuss it effectively. How will discourse help you achieve your goal of promoting this cause?

Writing Speech:

A. Demonstrate a proficient mastery of rhetoric and discourse. What type of discourse do you need to consider when discussing this organization? Their cause? Who would be the audience? Any special considerations?

B. Be organized... well-researched.... well-practiced

C. Orally reference two scholarly sources (Databases/course texts) and a popular source (Magazine, newspaper, TED Talk) within your speech and include as cited texts at the end of the video speech. Post your WC as a visual aid at the end of your speech.

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Other Subject: What type of discourse do you need to consider
Reference No:- TGS03276041

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