What type of data is the weight of each m and m candy bag

Assignment 1


In your first lab assignment, you analyzed defects in M&M's candies using a Pareto Chart. The Pareto chart allowed you to display a bar chart in order of decreasing frequency, which identifies the largest opportunity for improvement. Now that you know what the most frequent problem is, you are going to use your quality management skills to get to the bottom of the problem by finding its root cause(s). Refer to your first lab assignment, and answer the following questions in a Word document.

A. What total quality management tool would you use to study causation? Support your argument carefully with facts and well-regarded opinions from research, in addition to personal observations and experiences.

B. What is the difference between a flowchart and a Fishbone diagram?

C. Construct a flowchart to describe your data collection and analysis process for the M&M's assignment

D. Construct a Fishbone diagram to find the root cause(s) of the most frequent defect found in the M&M's candies. Ask why five times for at least two of the main causes

E. Explain how the admission department of a college could use some of the quality tools discussed so far throughout the course to improve the admission process? Please support your arguments with facts.

Assignment 2: M&Ms


From your local grocery store or a convenience store, purchase two bags of 10.70oz (non-peanut) of M&M's candies and mix them together to create one large sample. Use the worksheet in Minitab to report the following:

A. Colors: What colors did you find in your sample and how many candy units per color?

B. Defects: How many defects did you find?

C. Display a bar chart of the number of each color found in your sample

D. Display a Pareto chart of the number of defects found in your sample

Note: Defects in M&M candies may be classified as "m" missing, chipped, broken, smashed, uncoated, misshapen, Peanut, twins, and misprint "m."

In a word document, perform the following tasks and answer the following questions:

A. Copy and Paste your bar chart of color into the Word document and interpret the result. For example, what color did you find most frequently in your sample?

B. Copy and paste your Pareto chart of defects here and interpret the results. For example, what defect did you find most frequently?

C. What type of data is the color of a sample of candy? Why?

D. What type of data is the number of defects found in a sample of candy? Why?

E. What type of data is the weight of each M&M candy bag? Why?

F. What do you think the cause of the most frequent defect might be?

G. What quality tool would you recommend for analyzing and finding the cause of the most frequent defect? Why?

Format your assignment according to the give formatting requirements:

• The answer must be using Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced, typed, with one-inch margins on all sides.

• The response also includes a cover page containing the student's name, the title of the assignment, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

• Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

Text Book: Project Quality Management Why, What and How by Kenneth H. Rose, Second Edition.

Attachment:- Project-Quality-Management.rar

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