What type of damages can linda seek against the other driver

Assignment Task:

Linda is involved in a car collision. The driver of the other car ran a red light and struck Linda's car on the driver's side. Linda was severely bruised. She was taken to the hospital and discharged the next day. Her hospital bill was $2,456. Because she was in terrible pain, she missed almost eight days at work. When she returned, she found that she had trouble concentrating. She kept reliving the collision in her mind. Her work suffered, and her employer eventually fired her. She worked as an advertising salesperson, which means that she spent most of her day driving from one client to another. Because of the accident, she suffers from terrible anxiety whenever she gets behind the wheel of a car. What type of damages can Linda seek against the other driver? How would you classify these damages: compensatory-general, compensatory-special, punitive or nominal?


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Reference No:- TGS03403872

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