What type of application must the technicians submit

Question: The Toronto Museum is undergoing some renovations and wishes to hire Balloon Inc. a Chinese company, specialized in high technology, to install high-quality surveillance equipment. The foreign company is sending 2 technicians, citizens of China, currently employed by Balloon Inc. to carry out the project in Toronto. What type of application must the technicians submit to enter Canada? Question options: a) The technicians must apply for a visitor visa application under section 186 (a) of IRPR b) The technicians are exempted from the visa requirement and will need an electronic travel authorization under section 190 (3) b) of IRPR c) The technicians must apply for a work permit under section 200 of IRPR d) None of the above


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Other Subject: What type of application must the technicians submit
Reference No:- TGS03416796

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