Assignment Part 1:
What Happens When You Remove the Hippocampus Reflection Video Questions
Please watch the video "What happens when you remove the Hippocampus?" and answer the following questions:
1. What type (s) of amnesia did HM have? What is the effect of this (these) types of amnesia on memory?
2. What part of the brain was removed by Dr. Skoville to treat HM's seizures? What memory process did this interfere with to prevent HM from remembering new factual information?
3. What types of information was HM still able to store in long-term memory? Why?
4. How would your life be different without memory?
Assignment Part 2:
Emotional Intelligence Video Reflection Questions EC
Please answer the following questions about the video "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman.
1. Why is emotional intelligence a better predictor of success than typical measures of intelligence?
2. What is the brain circuitry behind emotional intelligence?
3. Describe the 5 skills of emotional intelligence and provide an example of how each of these skills may manifest itself in everyday life.
4. How does a lack of emotional intelligence contribute to stress-related illnesses?
Assignment Part 3:
Critical Thinking Motivation and Emotion
Answer these questions. Responses should be anywhere from one-two para-graphs for each question.
Please answer the following questions:
1. What is motivation? There are three main types of theories on motivation (biological, psychosocial, and biopsychosocial theories). Describe each of these theories.
2. Describe the roots of the hunger motivation, and how eating disorders may possibly develop.
3. There is a distinction made between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Describe the difference between each type of motivation, and the conditions under which each type of motivation may be optimal.
4. Achievement motivation consists of the motivation towards success. Describe how achievement motivation is measured, as well as the core characteristics of high need for achievement individuals. What are some factors that might affect one's level of need for achievement?
5. What is emotion? List and describe the three components of any emotion.
6. Describe Plutnik's emotional wheel and the dimensions on which emotions vary in this model.
7. What is some evidence for the idea that emotions are universal? Describe how this varies from the idea that emotions are displayed differently across cultures.
8. Describe the four main theories of emotion and provide a real-world example of each.
9. What is emotional intelligence? What are the factors that comprise this ability?