Question 1: What two-tiered economy developed in Western Europe in the early middle ages?
Question 2: How had Clovis (r. c. 481 -511) of the Merovingian dynasty established his alliance with the powerful bishops of Gaul?
Question 3: How would the name Clovis be transformed into a very famous name for kings?
Question 4: What new kind of plow was invented (along with a better harness)?
Question 5: What movement began in Ireland and spread to the Celtic regions of Britain?
Question 6: What special privileges were monasteries (and female convent cloisters) given by local lords?
Question 7: What kind of families were abbesses (head nuns) often drawn from?
Question 8: What do we call the kind of music that developed under the encouragement of Pope Gregory I?
Question 9: What did Pope Gregory's support for monks living under the Rule of Saint Benedict help to do?
Question 10: How did the Frankish warlord Pepin of Herstal (c. 635 -714) force his way into power?
Question 11: What job did Pepin's son Charles Martel do to protect a "threatened" Christendom?
Question 12: Charles' son (also named Pepin or Pepin the Short) was anointed by the Pope. Why was this a ritual with deep biblical meaning?
Question 13: What was most important about Charlemagne's (Pepin the Short's son) conquests for earning the loyalty of Frankish lords (the counts)?
Question 14: What happened on Christmas Day in the year 800?
Question 15: When Charlemagne's son Louis died in 840, how did the empire get divided?
Question 16: What would Alsace-Lorraine (or Lotharingia) be a key site of until the end of World War II?
Question 17: What does the Norse (Scandanavian) word "viking" mean?
Question 18: What did the Viking army do in 1016?
Question 19: In 1066, when the Norsemen (Normans) invaded England, how did the English perceive them?
Question 20: In direct response to the Viking threat, what had emerged for the first time in England in the late 800's (late 9th century)?