
What total load will a as 550 steel shore be able to carry

Design of Temporary Structures Assignment 1-

Problem No. 1 - What total load will a AS 550 steel shore be able to carry if the outside diameter is 2.5 inches and a wall thickness of 0.154 inches? The unsupported length of the shore is 10 feet. Solve for both ASD and LRFD criteria. (Assume Fy = 50,000 psi and E = 29000)

Problem No. 2 - Assuming that the manufacturer's specification for the shore in Problem No. 1 is 9400 pounds and all other criteria (i.e., OD and ID) are the same, and assuming a factor of safety of 3, what is the actual strength of the steel.

Problem No. 3 - Referring to sample Problem 8.4 on page 8-7, if the depth of the slab is increased to 12 inches, is this still an acceptable solution?

Problem No. 4 - Referring to sample Problem 8.4 on page 8-7, if the depth of the slab is increased to 12 inches and the shoring frames are increased to 6 feet in width, is this still an acceptable solution?

Assignment 2-

Problem Statement: Here's a little problem that has been sitting on my desk. The East Wall of the Elizabeth River is beginning to fail and needs to be replaced. The masonry wall (the East Wall) has deteriorated and is to be replaced with the concrete wall that is shown on the attached. As part of this project, the low flow channel (the half pipe in the middle of the channel) is to be replaced with a 36" RCP that will be basically cut in two and used as the low flow channel. The 6 inch thick concrete channel on the east side is to be replaced as well as the wall. The section is 500 feet long. Therefore, your assignment is:

1. Design the formwork for the East Wall. A control joint is to be placed every 25 feet. The construction of the wall will require 2 pours; one for the foundation of the wall with a key way and a second pour for the vertical section of the wall. The forms will be wood (Doug Fir) and may be reused if you wish. You will need designs for both sections. You may assume that the existing wall has been removed and that you have unlimited access to the both sides of the wall (i.e., the channel side and the road side) and are not responsible for excavation or backfill.

2. Provide a narrative for your construction sequence for building this project. This should include the order of construction, how you will do the entire project (including the channel and the low flow channel) and how you expect to construct the entire project. You have 40 working days to complete the entire project. A schedule summarizing the construction sequence for the complete project should be attached. You may assume a S day week and 40 hours per week. Also, you may assume no weather delays. The project will be constructed during June and July.

3. Provide a set of plans for your formwork. These plans should be done in AutoCAD and must be your original work. You may not use a manufacturer's drawing that you have downloaded. Also, the plans should be done in a professional manner as though were supplying these as a submittal to the Engineer.

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Other Engineering: What total load will a as 550 steel shore be able to carry
Reference No:- TGS01389872

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