Question 1: What tools are used to develop the sociological imagination?
Question 2: What are the differences among positivist, interpretive, and critical approaches to theorizing?
Question 3: What are the core assumptions of the functionalist perspective, and what happens when society changes too rapidly?
Question 4: What are the core assumptions of the symbolic Interactionist perspective, and how are significant others and the generalized other involved?
Question 5: What is the relationship between feminism and sociology and why is it more appropriate to refer to feminist theoretical perspectives in the plural?
Question 6: What are the different forms that postmodernism takes?
Question 7: What are the similarities and differences between sociology and other related disciplines?
Question 8: What is critical thinking and why it is important?
Question 9: What are the four ways that sociology can be practiced?
Question 10: What is the strange in the familiar? The general in the particular?
Question 11: What are the impacts of life chances?
Question 12: What is the relationship between personal choices and social forces?