
What to recommend for the hotel establishment

Assignment task: This is for our research, I'm stuck in the recommendation particularly for the hotel establishment, can you help me and give me idea on what to recommend for the hotel establishment? I have to pass it within this day so I need to answer it as soon as possible. I will provide the information below for your reference.

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Table: Level of Workplace Diversity of the Hotel Employees in General Santos City

Table summary result shows the weighted mean of each level of workplace diversity of the hotel employee in General Santos City in terms of age diversity, gender diversity, ethnicity diversity, and educational background. As a statistical analysis and its descriptive interpretation based on the Likert scale results, the level of the age diversity has a weighted mean of 4.04 which interprets that workplace diversity is very good in handling. This shows that employees from different organizations accept the different ages in workplace environment which allows employees to have better experience and wisdom. It also, creates a balance between traditional and modern practices which results into a stable dynamic workplace.

In the summary, the result of gender diversity statistical analysis and its descriptive interpretation based on the Likert scale result, the level of gender diversity has weighted mean of 4.00, which interprets that workplace diversity is very good in handling. This shows employees from different organization accepts the equality of gender in the workplace environment. Men and women have given equal opportunities to showcase ideas, and insights which enable to solve problems and allows the organization to serve an increasingly diverse customer base.

Ethnicity diversity in the summary result has weighted mean of 4.01, which interprets that workplace diversity is very good in handling. This shows employees from the different organization has less experience of racism and discrimination which creates a more cohesion and stronger social support network that increases work productivity.

For the educational background, as statistical analysis and its descriptive interpretation based on the Likert result has weighted mean of 3.88, which interprets that workplace diversity is very good in handling. This shows that employees from different organization were provided with equal opportunities. Moreover, trainings and seminars were implemented to enhance the skills and performance of employees which creates and improve the quality of work and the reduction in conflict within the organization.

Overall, the level of workplace diversity of the selected hotel employees in General Santos City in terms of age diversity, gender diversity, ethnicity, and educational background has a weighted mean of 4.00, which interprets that the workplace diversity is very good in handling. It shows that employees have embraced the variety of ideas, culture, as well as respecting the vast range of inputs of other employees which increased productivity, innovation, improved decision-making and provide a better customer service.

Table: The Level of Self-perceived Performance of Hotel Employees in General Santos Cit

Table shows the level of self-perceived performance of hotel employees in General Santos City with 165 responses being gathered by the researchers. Based on the result of the survey, most of the hotel employee performance is very high as they co-operate well with their colleagues who have differences in ethnicity with a mean of 4.43. Also, hotel employee performance is very high as they perceive that the good employee performance is important to the future growth of their organization with a mean of 4.43. On the other hand, the hotel employee performance is very high as they have a chance to try their own method in doing their job with a mean of 4.28. The result implies that the performance of the hotel employees is very high.

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Other Management: What to recommend for the hotel establishment
Reference No:- TGS03282429

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