
What to include in your state of the conversation report


What to Include in Your "State of the Conversation" Report:

Build your report using the sections and the headings below. Suggested lengths are included.

Section 1: Overview of the Issue

In this section, offer relevant background/introductory information. Explain what issue you're focusing on, who the issue is important to, and what makes the issue controversial. Around 200 words.

Section 2: Your Specific Guiding Question/Issue

In this section, clearly announce your specific guiding question/issue and explain why you chose to focus on this particular question. Next, share your personal position or "take a side," this is the only place in the report where this should be evident, and it should serve as a guide for your Contributing to the Conversation assignment.)

Around 100 words.

Section 3: Available Materials

In this section, describe where (in what kinds of sources, in which databases, using which searches, etc.) a researcher is likely to find useful information about your topic. You might also explain the challenges a researcher faces in gathering information about your topic, such as what kinds of sources are not as useful, available, etc. (and why).

Around 200 words.

Section 4: Positions/Groupings

In this section, carefully explain the various positions/groupings you've found in response to your guiding question/issue.

Important Notes:

• Organize this section carefully. Group information according to key positions (and variations within those positions). Don't just jump haphazardly from source to source. Use transitions to move from position to position, and/or use subheadings if you wish.

• Include a clear "topic-sentence"-type statement for each major position and for each sub-position.

• Bring in researched material to explain the position. Remember that you will likely draw on multiple sources as you explain each major position. "Frame" your research with sentences that introduce, interpret and explain your sources.

• Use direct quotation, summary, and paraphrase to build your own credibility.

• Do not simply organize your material into "two sides": find distinctions and overlap across the different positions.

Around 1000 words.

Section 5: Conclusion

In this section, reiterate the key overall positions you've discovered and emphasize the most important concepts/ideas that someone new to your issue must understand. (Again, remember our in-class discussion/example.)

Around 200 words.

Section 6: Works Cited

In this section, compose a traditional works cited page using MLA style (the 8th edition), including only the sources you actually quoted, summarized, or paraphrased in your report.

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