
What tims coffee shoppe can do to improve their business

Executive Summary

This section provides an overview of your findings. This section should be no more than half a page at the most, but a paragraph that is about 6-8 sentences is about the right length. This summarizes everything you wrote about in your report. This is also the conclusion for your report. If a business person did not have time to read an entire report or business plan, the Executive Summary should be the overview of the information.

Regulations and Management


Provide a detailed summary of what you observed in regulations and management area of the business. Then describe any strengths and weaknesses.

Action Items

Based on your analysis, tell Tim what you recommend. Your recommendations should contain detailed directions of what needs to be done and when. Also, you should defend your recommendations by providing references that support your ideas. Address: the vision statement, short term and long-term goals, federal and state compliance issues, and social responsibility considerations. He may or may not be following some of these.

HR Analysis


Provide a detailed summary of what you observed in this particular area of the business. Describe any strengths and weaknesses. Look in the files in the back office at all of the employees. Are they valuable? Does he need more training? What other issues did you notice in the employee files?

Action Items

Based on your analysis, detail for Tim what needs to be done and when to improve this area of the business. Also, you should defend your recommendations by providing references that support your ideas.

Marketing Analysis


Provide a detailed summary of what you observed in this particular area of the business. How did he advertise? What new ideas can you think of for ways Tim's Coffee Shoppe might want to advertise? Who are the customers and what is their feedback? How can he gain new customers?

Action Items

Provide a SWOT Analysis detailing the external threats and opportunities and the internal strengths and weaknesses.
Economic Environment/Finance and Accounting/Financial Statements


Provide a detailed summary of what you observed in this particular area of the business. Look in the drawer labeled "Business" and the information and draw some conclusions about the economic environment of Tim's Coffee Shoppe.

Action Items
Discuss the Economic environment and impact on Tim's business. Use your accounting and finance knowledge to interpret the Balance Sheet and the Profit & Loss statement. Explain what Tim should do based on your understanding of the financial picture.

Problem Solving/Recommendations
Give five recommendations on what Tim's Coffee Shoppe can do to improve their business.

Attachment:- Business simulation scenario.rar

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Other Management: What tims coffee shoppe can do to improve their business
Reference No:- TGS01779054

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